Life-threatening sepsis can result from surgical errors

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Any hospital visit can be a stressful experience for the patient and his or her family, particularly ones that require major surgery. Even apparently routine procedures can result in unexpected and devastating consequences.

When you have surgery or a medical intervention, you have a general expectation this operation will be successful and not worsen your condition.

All members of the medical team should communicate with each other. They must all meet the standard of care that is expected of them, by law. If they don’t, there could be devastating injuries to you or a family member.

And when bad things happen, the patient suffers. The result of this below standard care could be a delay to the recovery of the patient or, worse, irreversible injuries and even death.

The right to file suit for poor medical care

It is a patient’s right to file suit for care that is below a reasonable standard. You can file a claim for damages for injury and seek justice for negligence.

Though not every bad outcome is a viable case, a skilled trial lawyer who understands medicine and negligence should be retained when serious damages occur from medical treatment.

If a viable case exists, there will be the added benefit the healthcare system and our medical providers could be held accountable for breaching the standards of care.

Developing sepsis in the hospital

Sepsis is a medical emergency that, if not treated according to standard, can result in permanent injury or death. It could result in organ failure if not diagnosed and treated.

One of the problems a patient can have when in a hospital is the occurrence of infection following treatment for another condition. Sepsis develops when the chemicals that attack your immune system are released into your system. It can occur when surgical incisions are not properly cared for, or can also occur spontaneously and rapidly after surgery or other injury, requiring urgent expert care.

Patients’ rights

If you or a loved one has suffered damages as a result of or during medical care, it is your right to consult with an experienced lawyer to understand your rights.

Learn more about medical negligence.