Spinal cord injury help is available

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Trying to recover from a spinal cord injury can take months and even years. These injuries can affect the brain’s ability to send or receive messages from the rest of the body.

A spinal cord injury may result in a loss of function and sensation. Such injuries are frequently caused by trauma such as a motor vehicle crash, a fall, surgery or other medical trauma. In many of these cases, there has been negligence that can result in viable claim for damages.

Most spinal cord injuries a result of trauma

Fifty-one percent of all spinal cord injuries occur because of some type of trauma. The other 49 percent of injuries are due to a disease process such as stroke or other cause. There are approximately 86,000 people who live with spinal cord injury in Canada, and about 4,300 new cases every year.

Extensive and costly healthcare

The cost is staggering, running as high as $3.6 billion, with $1.8 billion for medical costs and health care. Spinal cord patients require extensive attendant/personal care to assist with daily needs as well as rehabilitation to assist in maximizing function.

These costs could be recoverable in claim for damages and, regardless of the cause, it is wise for an injured person and their family to consult with an experienced trial counsel to ensure that all remedies are pursued.

Occupational therapy

Fortunately, there is hope for some individuals.

Occupational therapists can assess the cognitive and physical function of those who have a spinal cord injury and can offer skills training in activities that offer daily living and self-care options.

Such rehabilitation allows an individual to become more mobile and self-sufficient. It is also a way for an injured victim to integrate back into the community. A victim who avails themselves of rehabilitation assistance will have more hope of restoring his or her life.

Physical therapists can often suggest assistive technologies and even equipment that may help the injured victims to compensate for their impaired motor skills. They can assess individuals’ needs for helpful equipment and can recommend a modified living space that may work better for their situation. Having this level of assistance can change the way a person living with a spinal cord injury lives their life.


Consultation for a spinal cord injury assesses whether the damages are compensable, and may also provide guidance in terms of what rehabilitation services may be available and how these services can be accessed and paid for.

It is in the best interests of an injured victim to consult with an experienced trial lawyer who is an expert in injury, insurance and rehabilitation matters.